Pudsey's Award Winning Theatre

Support us

Become a Patron

To support the work of the theatre you can become a Patron for a minimum fee of just £50 per year.


In return you will receive 2 tickets to each of our three performances, saving you over 30% on full ticket prices.


The income we receive from our patrons is vital and is used to support in all areas of productions and maintaining our theatre.


It is a fantastic way to support the local arts in Pudsey.


For more information please fill out our contact form here, selecting become a patron in the subject and we will be happy to have a chat with you.


Make a Donation

We are a non profit organisation and rely on money received from our performances to survive.


However we also receive the occasional monetary donation, for which we are incredibly grateful.


In the past we have been bequeathed money for specific purposes eg: upgrading our lighting systems, which has greatly improved our ability to effectively put on a wider variety of  shows with special effects.


As well as money however, we also regularly get offers of clothing donations for our in house wardrobe department. We consider each offer carefully as space is very limited, but we are grateful to receive the offers and will take items of wardrobe or props if we can.


If you would like to make a donation please get in contact with us via the form here and we will be very happy to chat with you.


Thank You